Explore Honolulu

Honolulu Travel Guide

Honolulu is the capital as well as the most populous community of the State of Hawaii and is located along the southeast coast of the island of Oahu. In the Hawaiian language, honolulu means "sheltered bay" or "place of shelter. For most visitors to Hawaii it will be the first place they go and it will provide them with their first impressions of the islands. Key points of interest include Waikiki Beach, and Manoa Valley.

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Saturday, November 2, 2019Sunday, November 3, 2019Monday, November 4, 2019
Mainly sunnyMainly sunnyVariable cloudinessVariable cloudinessVariable cloudinessVariable cloudiness
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(Data provided outside US and Canada by Foreca, Data provided for US and Canada by WDT)

Average High26°26°27°27°28°30°30°31°31°30°28°27°
Average Low 18°18°19°20°21°22°22°23°23°22°21°19°
Chances of Sun 64%66%70%69%70%72%75%76%76%69%62%61%
Average Rainy Days 10999767679910
Saturday, November 2, 2019Sunday, November 3, 2019Monday, November 4, 2019
Mainly sunnyMainly sunnyVariable cloudinessVariable cloudinessVariable cloudinessVariable cloudiness
More information at MSN Weather
(Data provided outside US and Canada by Foreca, Data provided for US and Canada by WDT)

Average High80°80°81°82°84°86°87°88°88°86°84°81°
Average Low 66°66°67°69°70°72°73°74°74°72°70°67°
Chances of Sun 64%66%70%69%70%72%75%76%76%69%62%61%
Average Rainy Days 10999767679910
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Flat blade attachment plug. Description
Flat blade attachment plug.
120 V
60 Hz
Flat blades with a round grounding pin. Description
Flat blades with a round grounding pin.
120 V
60 Hz
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