Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions (the "Terms") form a binding agreement between You and us. Please review the following Terms carefully. By using the Site, You are agreeing to these Terms, and these Terms will govern Your use of the Site and the Services (defined below). If You do not agree to these Terms, You must cease use of the Site and Services. The terms "TripExtras", "us", "we" or "our" refers to Valuedynamx Ltd, the owner of the Site. The term "You" or "Your" refers to the person accessing or using the Site and Services, or the company or organization on whose behalf that person accesses the Site and Services.

TripExtras is owned and operated by Valuedynamx Ltd. The information contained on this website belongs to Valuedynamx Ltd and various third parties. Valuedynamx Ltd will endeavour to ensure that its own information and the information provided by third parties is accurate at all times, but shall not be held responsible or liable to pay compensation to any person or organisation for any loss arising, either directly or indirectly, out of the use, misuse, misinterpretation of that information by anyone using this website, or for any inaccuracies contained therein.
Information and imagery used within this site cannot be reproduced in any form without prior permission from Valuedynamx Ltd.

Valuedynamx Ltd. does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use, or the result of the use of the content of the website, including the data contained therein or written materials, in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, current ness or otherwise. The information provided is gathered and summarised from many sources considered to be reliable. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy; however the nature of some of the information is time sensitive and variable depending on the source. Valuedynamx Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies. All products and services are owned and operated by third party organisations.

Access to this site and use of the information contained therein, and/or the use of a credit card or other debit device or the creation of any liability or obligation in connection with the access to or use of the site, is at the user's sole risk. In the event that you do not agree with the above and related terms of usage, you are not authorised to access or use the information and you must exit from this site.